Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Tips to Determine the Best Voltas All Star Inverter AC for Your Budget and Requirements

Purchasing a Voltas 1.5 ton 5 star inverter AC is one of the best ways to solve your cooling woes without inflating electricity bills. However, buying an expensive AC is a major household decision and long-term investment. It’s natural for shoppers to enquire about Voltas 1.5 ton 5 star inverter AC prices and models to make the possible decision. 

Measure Room Size 

AC salespersons recommend a 1.5 ton AC for rooms that measure between 150 sq. ft. to 250 sq. ft. For rooms measuring less than 150 sq. ft., a 1 ton AC is usually enough to deliver uniform and effective cooling. For large rooms measuring more than 250 sq. ft., a 2 ton AC is the best way to go. Once you have the size sorted, next you need to consider the style because voltas inverter ac 1.5 ton 5 star prices depend on the style also. A window AC is much cheaper than a split AC and is a suitable option if you are limited by budget or space. 

Potential Long-Term Benefits 

Voltas 1.5 ton 5 star inverter AC prices vary for split AC models, depending on the features they incorporate. At present, prices range from between Rs. 66,000 to over Rs. 77,000. The high prices are offset by the fact that 5 star rated ACs deliver long-term benefits such as maximum energy savings and lower electricity units’ consumption. Key features such as steady cooling, steady savings and smooth operation under wide-ranging voltage fluctuations are provided for all models. 

Use Online Comparison Tools 

The differences between various models have to do with factors such as compressor type, refrigerant type, condenser coil type, full load capacity, half load capacity and level of filtration. To get a clear idea about the features of each individual and an easy comparison of prices, use the ‘Add to Compare’ option or ‘Add to Visualizer’ option that is provided for each product on the official Voltas website. You can also view offers and find the nearest dealer in your city or state from whom you can purchase a particular model. 

It’s easier than ever to compare Voltas inverter AC prices and features online. Do your research to make a well-informed purchase decision!